The Guardian Professional List Building System

Hi There, Professional, and Welcome!

This is YOUR moment to take $25 PayPal and transform it into upto a 9-FIGURE Cashflow back into your pockets and into the pockets of those in your list-building tree of professionals.  The neat part is that you don't have to do ALL the work!

To get started just create a new email message, then copy this whole post into it, making small adjustments as you go.

Simply work the system, find at least 3 others who will also work this system, and in just a few short weeks, at least $1,215 will be added into to your PayPal account. If you find 2 more people who will work the system, your income jumps to 5-FIGURES.  We figure that out of 100 people, 40 will respond who will also work the system to invest in you (and in themselves) where everyone involved will gross $512 Million Dollars.  All this is possible from just $25.

Let's Begin.
You'll need a PayPal account to store your income and be your payment processor. Use this link to get a $5 sign-up bonus. (

Choose the Business Account to remove any restrictions to your earning potential.

Let's Continue with TEAM WORK. Not a people person? Fine, you can still succeed with the team.  Got to have face to face contact and all? Great, you can ALSO succeed with the team.  Either way, it is the team's work that MAKES THE DREAM WORK.

Here is your seed-list of letter guardians that has kept this opportunity open and available to you.  They are also investors interested in any opportunities you offer for them to make lots of money:


Send a $5 dollar donation from your (newly created) PayPal account to every email address listed above. Add a note to your payment saying either
"Please add me to your mailing list." or
"PAYMENT FOR INTERNET MARKETING TIER-X". Replace the "X" with the number that email address is in the list. (e.g. Tier-5  for the 5th email address in the list)

After that is done, send an email message to each of the email addresses listed with the words "THANKS. I HAVE JOINED" in the body of the message. You're free to personalize the message, if you wish.

After everyone in the list gets your message, we will now adjust your copy of the  list of email addresses so that you can start earning money, and lots of it.

In your copy, revisit the list of email messages listed.

Remove the 1st one. THEN
Add yours at the bottom of the list AND
Re-number the list. (Your email address should be in the 5th slot)

And that takes care of the new list of Guardian Pro List Builders.

LAST step: eMail out at least 100 copies of your letter. It is now your job as the 5th person, the new GUARDIAN of this list, to ensure there are at least forty (40) "THANKS. I HAVE JOINED" replies in your email box. (This comes to at least $200 that has arrived into your PayPal account for your marketing & advertising efforts)
If there are not at least 40 replies in your PayPal inbox, then you, the list Guardian, will keep sending out 100-copies of your letter until there is.

Some Q&A.

Q: I'm on the verge of declaring this a scam.  But I'm interested in learning about the numbers, how am i compensated for the $25 investment when i work this system?

A: Here's the numbers mentioned earlier. Thank you for reading this far.
    We're talking VIRAL, residual INCOME here.  (Anything less and i would be wasting your time)
    You work the opportunity until at least 40 people respond.  They each invest $25 into the opportunity. You  immediately receive $200 for being in the 5th slot. You then stop working the system:
40 X $5 = $200 (in your pocket / PayPal account)

    It is believed that 40 people provide just enough momentum for you to get at least a 4+figure income.  This is your ROI of $200, up front, from the effort you put out to get 40 people who responded to your version of the AD, all while you were in slot #5.
 Let's follow these 40 people and assume they ALL want to go as far with this that they can as you did.
    Again, they each invested their $25 and you receive 1/5th their investment.  Each of the 40 get at least 40 to respond.  We're now at 1600 people (40 x 40) who are exposed to your PayPal email address.  They each invest $25, and you get $5 each time for being in slot #4. ( 40 x 40 x $5 = 1600 x $5 = $8000 ) Not bad.
    Let's follow the 1600 people, who each invests their $25, and sends out their ADs until at least 40 people responds to them.  We're now at 64,000 people ( 1600 x 40 ) who are exposed to your PayPal email address. Each additional $5 dollar you receive comes from their efforts and you being in slot #3. ( 1600 x 40 x $5 = 64000 X $5 = $320,000 )  Excellent.
    Now, each of the 64000 make an investment of $25 each, then tells others they know about it, and keep at it until they get 40 responses. That's now 2,560,000 people ( 64000 X 40 people ) that has been exposed to your PayPal email address now in slot #2. ( 64000 X 40 X $5 = 2,560,000 X $5 = $12,800,000)  AWESOME! We're at 8-Figures now.
    Each of the 2,560,000 make their $25 investment, then tells others they know about it until 40 of them responds.  We reach, finally, 102,400,000 people that has been exposed to your PayPal email address in slot #1.  Each of them pays you $5.
The math reveals:
    102,400,000 X $5 = a whopping $512,000,000. (You're now a half-a-Billionaire!)
Now this condition is met only because the 40 that paid you $200 told others about it and each of them got their $200 initially, and they are SO CONVINCED that they receive 40 interested people and their $200, and on and on until we reach the 102,400,000 who each invests $25.
    Now i mentioned earlier, a 5-figure income, right?  Just Work The Numbers, starting with you in slot #5:
5 X $5 = $25.  Those 5 are motivated to get their money back also, so they find 5 and you are in slot #4:
5 X 5 X $5 = $125. Fine. Those 25 each were motivated, and found 5 others, and you are in slot #3:
25 X 5 X $5 = $625. Not bad for doing no more work.  The 125 goes to find 5 each and you are in slot #2:
125 X 5 X $5 = $3125. We hit 4-Figure income. But wait, there's more! The 625 find 5 each, and you're #1:
625 X 5 X $5 = $15,625. Cool!

it's a no-brainer, right? And there's no telling who of the 60 who said No! changes their mind and starts working the system.  What if there's another 40 in that 60 who will go for it? How much will be in your pockets now?

So, what will you do?

Q: Why are we sending $25 USD and not some other amount?
A: In our previous product: Guardian Core, a $10 investment was used, which mostly anyone can afford. It took longer to realize the Millions.  This time, sending $5 US Dollars to every person in the list, totaling $25 USD is your way to thank them for when they were the Guardian of this seed-list of email addresses; the person in the 5th slot is the one directly responsible for providing you this seed-list. From this seed grew the thousands of other email addresses of people that has paid them, since. And you get paid no matter the slot you're on; Money Cometh Much Quicker!

As you paid out your Thanks in monetary form, you WILL receive EVEN MORE into YOUR PayPal account.  Keep in mind, the most you EVER spend out of your pockets is $25 US-Dollars, maximum, and, as you noticed, the size of your investment is not breaking your bank.  Try telling this to the 60.

Q: What's so special about my email address bubbling up into the 1st slot when i will be paid for being in the 5th slot also?

A: When your email address bubbles into the 1st slot, you can expect at least 250 to as many as millions of people to have read your letter.  The more people you send your copy of this opportunity to, the more will see you on the list, and the more $5 will come to you with no other effort made of your own.  They will then become the next list-building letter guardian with your email address in their list! This is the core viral, residual money-making aspect of this list-building system.

What goes around will come around. You reap what you sow (as an investment).

Q: Why do we need to include a note in our $5 payment to each email address in the list?

A: Leaving the notes as you give the $5 PayPal is VERY important to notify PayPal that this is a legitimate business transaction.  $5 is enough to be placed into a list of leads that can help you earn even more money.  If there are no notes and you receive many $5 entries, PayPal will question the transactions and may shut down your account using "fraudulent activity" as an excuse. We want to prevent that from happening.

Q: Can you summarize the steps needed to succeed in this opportunity?

Sure.  Here it is:

Step 0: Take out a piece of paper and a pen with blue ink, and spend a moment writing out what you will do on receipt of $1 Million US Dollars coming to you. Write it like a movie to be played out.  What you hear, what you see, what you smell, and how it feels when it happens.  That will get your mind started.

Step 1: Set up your PayPal account and get your $5 signup bonus with the sign-up link.

Step 2: Send $5.00 Dollars to each email address in the list. - DON'T FORGET to include a note: "PAYMENT FOR INTERNET MARKETING - Tier-X" X meaning their position in the list, OR use the note: "Please add me to your mailing list." This is IMPORTANT to prevent scamming or promoting fraud to the others on the list.

Step 3: Send an email message to each email address stating at the very least: "THANKS. I HAVE JOINED"

Step 4: Remove the top email address.  Add your email address in the bottom slot, and renumerate your new email address list.

Step 5: Keep sending/posting your version of the letter until you get 40 "PAYMENT FOR INTERNET MARKETING - Tier-5" replies in your inbox ($200.00 income).

That's it! It's that simple.

  When you give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed.  The $200 that enter your account is the fruit of your labor; and like all fruit, they bear seeds. The smallest risk of your financial life can begin right now!!!

The Guardian List-Building system is based on HONEST people helping each other out, and maintaining their own list of investors, and investments.

You profit from your efforts in the short-term, and as time passes, your profits come in as residual income, virally. YES!  Again, all you give five people is a total of 25 US Dollars to make this system work.

Wishing you the very best in your ROI, and may you prosper as we are (already) prospering.
To Your Success, First!
- Edward S.B.

A Disclaimer:  This IS legal. Refer to U.S Postal Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341, or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US Code; also in the code of Federal Regulations, Volume 16, Section 255 and 436, which state that "product or service must be exchanged for money received." In this case, you're being placed on FIVE mailing lists (a service to you) for $5 each (PayPal).


  1. lovely and awesome way to create our financial freedom , people need to take action .

    1. We look forward to your report in using this system, and how it benefited you.

  2. If you don't create your financial freedom, who will?


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