The Guardian List-Building System - The Numbers Reveal


This explanation is from 12 months of use and benefits of this system.

12 Months ago, i stumbled across an email that reminded me of those "chain letters" of old that warned you of a "curse" should you break this chain of letters, and a blessing as you continue the chain and work the letter.

Upon reading it further, i immediately noticed the income potential that can be made through this. Yes, doing the math, it's quickly understood that Millions of dollars can be made with this, legally, virally, and residually.  But given the english used in that message, it was difficult to convince others to take it seriously.

0) They dismissed this opportunity as "another one of THOSE scams," that "screws people", and "doesn't deliver what it promises". When we asked for proof from their experience working with it from their findings, they had none. To the more vocal in that group, we asked, specifically: "So, to understand you completely, you just read the claim and did not read further on how the system works nor the proof behind it. And without knowing the facts, you've concluded that it is a scam, and you'll do nothing further with it?"  Their response was, "Yeah." without batting an eyelash.

1) Earning $1Million in a reasonable amount of time seems "out of reach" to the masses of the earth's population (all their lives they were "programmed" to believe "there is not enough for everyone". So the prospect of that happening is frightening due to such a radical lifestyle change that will happen... so they think. They "like their life" as it is, including being satisfied with a paycheck that doesn't reflect their "true worth", and satisfied with a j.o.b. event that took them great effort to secure; so great that they don't want to let it go.

2) Receiving $1 Million isn't happening to "a lot of people" so why should it happen to me? (Is what others are thinking. Again, reflecting on their self-worth and lack of it) I just watched on YouTube, the top 10 countries producing Billionares, and the figures, when added together, total to a 4-digit population count.  So, if thousands can become billionaires, why can't millions become millionaires?  In fact, they already are.

3) The belief that once they get this great wealth, someone or something will take it away, is what yet others are thinking, so they fear to make it work in the first place.

4) And yet still others believe the unscriptural belief that having lots of money is evil, when the Scriptures say, "The love of money is the root of all evil."

There are other reasons, but these 5 seem to have trapped 95% of the population into believing that earning millions of dollars is not for them, even when it's handed to them on a silver platter (read, the lottery).

But, there's the 5% and growing population of people who are either born into wealth, or know to acquire it once they know what to do to make it happen, long enough, and consistently.  Those are whom i wish to address with this business income opportunity.

What is now called "The Guardian List-Building System" is a rare system that doesn't require any computer programming or automation scripts to make it run. It doesn't even require a computer at all, no glitz or pizzaz.  It doesn't even need you to sign up or opt-in.

Everything you need to know is encapsulated in that one email you send to others who may be interested in generating more cash into their lives as you do into yours.

In that email is the simple steps to follow to increase your cashflow up to 9-FIGURES, or 512 Million US Dollars.

More Q&A:
Q: Like I mentioned to you earlier, i'm on the verge of dismissing this to be a scam. But give me the numbers; how would I make Millions from no more than $25? And what's this 40 that keeps getting mentioned. Why 40?

A: The design of Guardian List Building System is for at least two streams of income to occur. If you work the Guardian Professional product, you get all 5 streams, and it's in-SANE how fast the money comes back to you!

We figured your responses will be 40% in your favor (out of 100 letters, only 40 is needed to be responded to).  Now note, 60 MORE people who didn't respond DID look at your letter AND noticed the 5 email addresses on it (including yours).

Now, IF, any of the 60 wishes to try to "cheat" this system (e.g. not pay the $5, put their email address in and shifting yours upward) and send it out to others like that, YOUR email address will still be bubbling up to the top, and thousands to millions of people will see it and respond positively according to YOUR positive investment.)

Now, back to the 40.
If 40 people respond to your copy of the ad, you get $200 for your efforts, and get to know those 40 on your perogative.
Each one of them are driven to find 40 others and receive their millions, who want to find 40 others, and so on.

The math works like this:

40 X $5  = $200 into your pockets since you're in slot #5.

   The 40 go and find 40 others who are interested, and you rise to slot #4 as a Guardian Professional:  40 X 40 X $5 = $8000

   Now, those 40 go and find 40 others, you rise to slot #3 as a professional:
1600 X 40 X $5 = $32,000

   Each of those find 40 more, and you rise to slot #2 as a professional:
64,000 X 40 X $5 = $12.8 Million

   And finally, each of them find 40 more, and you rise to #1 as a Guardian List Builder:
2,560,000 X 40 X $5 = $512 Million

Now, the good news here is that it most likely will NOT come to you all at once, like the lottery.  But unlike the lottery, you will be able to keep it all; All of it! That money is YOURS to be done as YOU wish.  Of course, you pay your income taxes; with you in control to where every $1 dollar goes. (The lottery, the government will force you to pay up to 50% in "taxes" and public school incentives.  NOT The Guardian List Building System.  What you do with your earnings is none of our business. And we encourage you to be responsible law-abiding citizens in your geography.  Once you earn money, you can always earn MORE money.)

Q: What if i'm satisfied with just making my money back, how much extra can i expect?

A: Lets do the math.  As part of the Guardian Core:
You invest $10.  Total: -$10.00
You get 2 people interested. Total: $0.00 .  You've made your money back and "quit".

Now, it's up to those 2 people to be the Guardians of their list with your email address on it. They will activate the "viral" income aspect of this system. Here's how:

Let's say they each will commit to finding 2 people each then quit like you did.  This propagates down the line:
 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 people.

You got your first $10 already.  By the time your address bubbles to the #1 position, you can expect at least (32 people to hand you $5 = $160). We can't speak for the thousands of others who have read the message with your email address on it.  Some may respond; imagine if 40% of THEM do respond! Where would your earnings be?

It's even more should you work this as a Guardian Professional.
 (32 X $5 + 16 X $5 + 8 X $5 + 4 X $5 + 2 X $5 - $25)

Now that the Pro version of the Guardian system has launched, you get paid whenever anyone joins up to 5 tiers and based on the tier you're on.

So, this time, you find 5 to break even then quit. The 5 also works the system so that 5 more come aboard for each and this goes down the tree:

5 X $5 + 25 X $5 + 125 X $5 + 625 X $5 + 3125 X $5 - $25 = $19500 . Not bad.

So, what will you do, now?


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